Cotton By-products

We have a focus on the global export of cotton by-products, including cotton linters and cottonseed hulls. Through extensive experience in the industry, we have established a strong reputation for providing top-notch products and services. Our commitment to sourcing and quality control is unwavering. We obtain our cotton by-products from reputable industry processors and conduct thorough inspections to ensure purity and quality.

We are able to cater to the specific needs of our customers. Whether you require raw materials for your own manufacturing processes, or you are a trader seeking cotton by-products for your clientele, customized packaging solutions, or quick delivery, we are ready to assist.

Cotton Linters

Cotton linter is a valuable byproduct with diverse applications. As a natural, silky fiber that clings to cottonseeds after ginning, it provides an eco-friendly, cellulose-rich material that can serve as an alternative to wood and other natural resources across various industries. These short fibers, typically 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, can be recovered through a specialized machine called a “delinter.” Cotton linters are used to produce high-quality paper, cellulose products, textiles, medical dressings, and cellulose derivatives for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.

Cottonseed Hulls

Cottonseed hulls, a natural by-product from the extraction process of cottonseed oil, are the fibrous outer shells of cottonseeds. Despite their low nutritional value and unsuitability for direct animal consumption, they have diverse applications across industries. In agriculture, they can be used as livestock feed roughage, bedding material, and mulch for soil conservation and compost. Additionally, they have potential in bioenergy production, reducing agricultural waste and supporting sustainability.


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